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We all feel stressed at one time or another which is a normal part of everyday life. We experience stress during periods of transition or when we encounter situations that are difficult and uncertain. Stress can have the effect of motivating us forward which is a healthy consequence, however when stress levels become heightened to a point where it feels debilitating it can have a negative effect on day to day functioning. Extreme forms of stress can be felt on many levels and it can sometimes be difficult to know how to handle it on your own.

Some of the symptoms you may experience could include:

Physical: Changes in appetite, fatigue, headaches, irregular breathing, Insomnia

Mental: Boredom, low productivity, forgetfulness, poor memory

Emotional: Frustration, mood swings, irritability, short temper, nightmares

Spiritual: Apathy, loss of direction, emptiness, cynicism, pessimism

Relational: Avoidance of others, lowered sex drive, resentment, distrust, blaming

How can counselling help?

Counselling can help you learn to identify the key factors contributing to you stress and develop strategies to overcome them. Some stress reduction methods may include relaxation techniques. By increasing your self-awareness about how you personally react to stress, both emotionally and physiologically, you will be able to monitor your own stress levels and learn how to effectively manage your stress in a healthy way.